Tuesday, December 29, 2009

12 Days of Christmas - Day 5

I have to admit that ever since I was a little girl, this was my favorite day out of all 12 days. I mean, five GOLDEN rings?!! Awesome! Not to mention that when singing, this day got to be all fermata-ed (yes, I think I just made up another word - to hold out as long as one wants.)

So, in honor of my favorite day, here's one of my family's favorites. My mom always makes these cookies (and my dad even helps too! Well, someone has to know how to use this contraption and have the muscle to push the dough through it! And let me tell ya....it sure ain't me with my noodle arms.)
Voila! A cookie press!
****This just in: There are electric ones of these things?!!!! What?! No muscle needed anymore?! What IS the world coming to?

1 C butter
¾ C sugar
1 egg
½ t almond flavoring
2½ C flour

Mix in order given. Forming on ungreased cold cookie sheets, press dough through cookie press
in fancy shapes, strips, or circles. Decorate with colored sugar. Bake at 350° until edges are just lightly browned (8 minutes+). (made by guest baker: my mom)

Bake well and prosper!


Thanks for taking time to leave a message! xo - EB