Hey! My blog's birthday has come and gone. Once again I was too busy to post. But I feel sad seeing that it was the FIVE YEAR anniversary of when I started this blog.
Every year for my blog birthday post I write a recap of what's different in my life. Usually nothing much has changed and it's the same thing year in and year out. But guess what! Times, they have changed!
1. I'm still singing a fair amount and booking more gigs than usual.
2. I quit my office job back in May and starting temping around a couple of months ago. It's been fun if not a little unstable.
3. I'm back to running when I'm not super busy or feeling injured.
4. I have a boyfriend! Yes! It's been awhile, but I have one! It's new, so keep following my blog to see how the relationship grows (and maybe even catch a few pictures of us!)
Some of my favorite recipes from the last year are:
Pomegranate and Orange Sangria - This recipe is SO GOOD. Must bring to all holiday parties.
Caramel Rolls - I was so happy to ace my mom's recipe!
Dark Chocolate Ganache Crepe Cake and the version I created for July 4th: Crepe Cake with Almond Whip Cream and Cherries
Matcha Tea Cakes - It was the first time I used matcha. Expensive but fun!
As for this post, well, I went apple picking again and therefore needed to use up apples!
I found a nice muffin recipe and quickly put some of my prized apples in the batter. These muffins hit the spot on a dreary fall morning. If you have extra apples around, consider using this Apple Pie Muffin recipe.
Apple Pie Muffin
recipe found here: Sally's Baking Addiction
Bake well and prosper!