Well, last Tuesday I realized I needed to pick up a couple things from the grocery store for the impromptu cookie "party" that I decided to host. While walking the three blocks home from the store I realized that I was a type of walking contradiction. A type of mixed message, if you will.
I don't use plastic bags whenever I can help it, and seeing I only needed three things I decided to just carry them in my hands. There I was glowing (aka sweating) in my running gear carrying chocolate chips, chocolate cake mix, and a box of margarine. This made me laugh to myself. "What do passerbys think of this?" I wondered. Maybe that I ran so I wouldn't feel guilty about eating sweets? Ha! Well, they obviously don't know me. Remember....life's too short to skip dessert.......even if one had to skip a training run.

And now for the recipe.....straight from the cookbook my mom made for her children many years ago for Christmas. Now you too can be known for your cookies. (Just remember the special ingredients of love and fanatical devotion to desserts. Oh, and also....remember to talk to the cookies!)

1 stick of margarine/butter (I find that margarine will make them softer. Yum!)
1/2 cup of white sugar
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 egg well beaten
1 cup and 2 Tablespoons of flour (I use white)
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla (use the real thing....imitation vanilla is a poser!)
1/4 teaspoon of warm water (DO IT! TRUST ME!)
6 oz of semi sweet chocolate chip morsels (Personally, I'm a Nestle girl.)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix margarine, sugars, and egg together until margarine chunks are quite small and well beaten. Sift flour, baking soda, and salt together and then stir until well mixed. Add vanilla and then mix. Water and then mix. And then add in the chocolate chips last. Place dollops of dough on cookie sheet with plenty of room between each dollop. Bake 8-10 minutes.
Erika's Extra Notes: To get very lovely and soft cookies, take out of oven when they are still fluffy/slightly uncooked looking. They will cook more while cooling. If baking two sheets at once, make sure to switch the top to the bottom and vice-versa half way through baking.
Last little bit for the blog for now....I just typed up this recipe whilst on the subway. From memory. That's how many times I have made these cookies. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Bake well and prosper!
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